So, in my predictable fashion, the next semester begins in less than 12 hours, and I have my regular desire to flush out the past few months.
Summer 2015 is one for the record's been transformational... for better or for worse, I have yet to determine (I think it's for better). And also in all aspects of mind, body, spirit. Here's a slightly inarticulate recap of what made it so transformational ...
- I went to Maine for a week - it was a perfect week! Lots of time for me! Lots of time sitting on the dock reading and listening to the wind and the water *happy sigh*
- It also included my ten year high school reunion...yup. It was an odd sensation of shrinking back to who I was in high school - undoing a decade of personal development - all in a simple step through a doorway. For the 20th, I shall plan to pre-game...heavily.
- Post this Maine venture, I resolved to retire to Maine. My retirement project will be changing the the dance field and culture in Maine. Hopefully they've caught up to the rest of the world slightly in the next 40 ish year, but if not, don't worry, I'm coming.
- I traveled to North Carolina directly from Maine. The south is an interesting place. Eating healthy was difficult. I'm not much for southern cuisine.
- I attended a somatics workshop with a second generation somatic practitioner. She's lovely and inspirational. I had an epiphany in one of my final hours there. I was at a coffee shop reading 'A New Earth' and an idea floated through my head that went something like this, "I should get my Ph. D. in Somatic Psychology ... fuck." The background music for this thought was that song "here I go again on my own / going down the only road I've ever known / like a drifter I was born to walk alone" came on and I started a coffee a Whitesnake song ... I left abruptly and called Mum, because I don't think there's any graceful way out of that situation. Anyways, I've pocketed that PhD thought because I should probably focus on the degree I'm currently finishing. OH! But one more thing about that...I can earn that degree in Santa Barbara, London, or somewhere in South Africa. I'm thinking London is the winner.
- Following this epiphany, I took an Uber from one airport to another airport in order to catch the flight to Phoenix that I would have missed if I followed my original itinerary. Oye.
- My next trip was to Oakland, CA where I was certain I would have massive 'ah-ha' moments about my thesis because it was an interdisciplinary arts and social change workshop. I thought I found my tribe of like-minded people. I was oh-so-wrong. It, well .... the workshop in Oakland will take me a while to unpack. I fully believe in stepping out of one's comfort zone, however, this was far beyond outside my comfort zone into the panic zone for nearly two-weeks. It was memorable. Possibly for the wrong reasons. I felt like I was consciously being brainwashed. But I survived with some really ridiculous stories to share. I think as I get into my fall semester of rehearsals, I will have a better understanding of the experience.
- My major life epiphany from those two weeks in Oakland is that I need to quit my job no matter what once I graduate. There's a hella lot more to life than data entry. So, I'm going to be like Rachel in Friends, and quit next summer, and get 'the fear' ...the fear of not paying bills, making rent, eating, etc. etc.
- Seattle followed Oakland which was just beyond perfect. I'm so in love with Seattle! I was going to attend a dance festival there (maybe next year instead), I didn't due to the recovery from Oakland that was needed. Instead, I attended a my friend's friend's birthday party where we got locked in a room and had to solve puzzles to get out. It was awesome and unsettling all at once.
- My Seattle epiphany was that I don't want to spend my money on a car, I want to spend it on travel. So, I booked an adventure in Peru to hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu over winter break.
- The first week back to the valley after Oakland was a shock - nothing like 400+ emails in your inbox and 115 degree temperatures for a healthy reality check. I then jumped into a week long intensive devising theatre workshop. It was a wonderful week, very full, and draining, but the perfect note to end on. I finally feel ready to step into my applied project rehearsals. Also, I was finally recognized as a performer and artist, which does not always or ever happen around here. It's nice to be perceived by others as you perceive yourself.
Thanks for a life changing summer, 2015!
And thank YOU for reading!
- M