Sunday, August 5, 2012

Vacation In Review - Photo recap!

Hello Reader!

It's been a while, I've been busy. Since my last post I have been in Maine for 10 days, Arizona for a day, then Nebraska/Iowa for a conference for 5 ish days, and I have been back in AZ for about a week now.

While on vacation, I accomplished my to-do-in-Maine list in full - sort of, I cheated on a few but that's ok because it is my list and I can do what I wish with it - which was a great way to map out my time in Maine.

I have finally started sorting through the 1500+ photos I took while home and I thought I would share the highlights of the trip. Most of the highlights are made up of food, drinks, friends, and natural bodies of water - All things that have been missing from my life since moving to AZ!


Places to Visit:
1. Tubby's Ice Cream - CHECK! (there may have been multiple checks on this in-particular one)

2. Gifford's Ice Cream - CHECK! I decided to try a very Maine flavor, LL Bean's Muddy Bean Boots

3. The coast, specifically Rockland  (I am very ready to see an ocean again, or any natural body of water for that matter) - CHECK!

4. Orono - CHECK!

5. Ampersand (I want a cookie and coffee) Homemade cinnamon buns at Chica's - CHECK!

6. Woodmans (mmmm....flirtinis) - CHECK! (twice) I forgot how good these were!

7. Pat's, specifically the Tap Room Bear Brew for guoda and roasted red pepper dip with blueberry ale on tap - CHECK!  I had never had blueberries floating in the ale either, so that was a fun surprise.

 8. Monmouth Theatre for some Shakespeare- CHECK!

9. Hallowell (On Old Hallowell Day and probably at least one other time) - CHECK! It was Hallowell's 250th birthday so they had a cake baking contest instead of the typical pie baking contest. Worked for me!

10. Slates Bakery, and maybe the restaurant but definitely the bakery - CHECK! (three times)

11. Acadia National Park - CHECK! Which also meant popovers at Jordan Pond Restaurant - CHECK! And I also got crab cakes to amp up the Maine experience!

12. Central Street Yoga - CHECK! I didn't take a picture of it because that would be disruptive to do in the middle of a yoga class. But I did go and it was absolutely amazing - Could not have asked for a more perfect yoga class in Bangor!

13. Stillwater river - not because it's beautiful place or anything but because it is nostalgic, it was my go-to-think spot for about 6 years - CHECK!

Things to do:
1. See friends (duh) - CHECK! I, sadly, didn't get pictures with everyone...

2. Dance with friends - CHECK!

3. Eat (not all at once) lobster, blueberries, whoppie pies, maple syrup (on waffles made by Mom), and other things made with things from Maine. - CHECK! Some are listed above and I also should have added Harvest Moon Deli, Wicked Good Bean Coffee, and comfort food made by mom to the list above :-)

4. Convince Mom we are writing a children's book - CHECK (ish) we started one at least. Below is the scene we overlooked while writing

5. Take lots of picture - maybe even be in a photo shoot? - CHECK! I took approximately 1500. I reached my 10,000th picture on my camera while in Orono where I took my first photo on this camera. I captured the 9999 since the camera doesn't count above that. I also taught mom how to use the camera on my iPhone which she used to take pictures of me taking picture...

6. Sit by the lake every single chance I get! - CHECK! I was joined by an incredibly friendly/vain dragonfly who I must have taken 50+ pictures of. He even landed on my camera. So I took a pic of the dragonfly on my camera in one hand with my iPhone in the other hand so the focus is bad, but you get the idea :-)

More vacation recaps to happen later this week!

Thanks for reading! 

- M

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