Ashleigh is visiting!!!
It has been amazing and she's only been here for 36 hours!
We decided that today turned into a life detox kind of a day. There was plenty of space for reflection, processing, and good conversations about life in our past, all it encompasses now, and in the future. Really, really great day.
We started the day with rooftop yoga (which I have raved about before) and it was so nice to share this with experience with the bestest best friend a girl could ask for. The instructor didn't get into her philosophy of life quite as much as in the past weeks but it was still exactly the words we needed to hear to set up for a mindful rest of the day.
We followed that experience with a trip to a gem of a nail place Ashleigh discovered on her last visit. We had time to process our revelations post yoga practice and then rest in quite reflection while being pampered for an hour.
Next, it was time to eat. I had a coupon to a gluten free place so we went there for lunch, dessert, and deep thought provoking conversations (with a sprinkling of brutal honesty in there too). Followed that up with a trip to Mrs. Rita's Palm Reading (the Gin Blossoms wrote a song about her) to top off the day of reflection. She read the cards very quickly and shared a lot of information at once which was a bit intense but absolutely appropriate after the lunch discussions.
And after all of that craziness - plus two loads of laundry, making dinner for the week, and muffins for breakfast - it was time to relax by the pool and in the hot tub.
This weekend feels like it lasted forever in a really good way, like I've been on self-awareness retreat for a week (hence the "life detox" for the title).
And on top of all of that I saw some exquisite dancers and heard some incredible music this weekend.
Can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring!
Thanks for reading!
- M