I traveled to NYC and back this weekend - what a whirlwind!
It was everything I needed it to be; a vacation, a change of scenery, a change of pace, and energizing!
And now for a photo recap!
It rained! I don't remember the last rainy day we had out here, let-alone the last time I saw rain.
It was also sweater weather the whole weekend in my opinion. (Yes, I know, I've lost the tough Mainer in me. I am such a wimp once the temperature drops below 70). I did not pack adequate warm clothing and I feel lucky to have not caught a cold from being cold and wet all day. (It was 97 degrees when I left Phoenix and 46 when I got into NYC).
Randomly stumbled upon a lego exhibition in the middle of Times Square. There were some amazing and massive lego structures. My favorite was Yoda with his "NY I <3" shirt.
I didn't do as much as I wanted in NYC, but I certainly did enough...
... Highlights were definitely the jazz class at Broadway Dance Center and the aerial vinyasa class (The instructor was hysterical, she makes up names for poses, one she called, "Oh Shitasana" because you are standing and swinging on the hammock and all you can think is "oh, shit"). Also, there's something about taking a jazz class in NYC that seems so perfect (great instructor there too who encouraged us to take our "slutty time" on a few of the hips swivels in the choreography).
... Highlights were definitely the jazz class at Broadway Dance Center and the aerial vinyasa class (The instructor was hysterical, she makes up names for poses, one she called, "Oh Shitasana" because you are standing and swinging on the hammock and all you can think is "oh, shit"). Also, there's something about taking a jazz class in NYC that seems so perfect (great instructor there too who encouraged us to take our "slutty time" on a few of the hips swivels in the choreography).
OH, and how could I forget, Rock of Ages on Broadway! Definitely another highlight! Such a fun show! Between the 80s music, lots of neon spandex, the classic 80s jazz dance moves, and spot on comedic timing of the cast, it's bound to be nothing but a good time! (Corny reference to opening song). And, per usual, added the musical's key chain to my collection.
And then, of course, there was delicious food including; Cupcakes (surprised? Didn't think so), bagels, pizza, cheesecake, savory breakfast at a cute lil' bistro and a sampling of some Irish Pubs.
I should also mention that another huge highlight on my brief trip was meeting up with friends who live and work in the city! It was amazing! It felt like I was home while on vacation when I was with them. It had been months to years since I saw them so catching up was very necessary and absolutely delightful.
All in all, my spontaneous trip to NYC (center of the universe) was just right in so many ways. And while I did not enjoy being at the Newark airport at 4 a.m., watching the sun rise over the NYC skyline while sipping my morning coffee was a pretty damn good way to close out my time back east.

Thanks for reading!
- M