Sunday, July 21, 2013

Post-Yoga Thought List: Contentment & Rainbows

Hello Reader,

Per usual, I haven't been keeping up with this blog (I've hit the ground running since returning to AZ), I still have a new job and a new apartment and a vacation to Maine to discuss and document with more photos than truly necessary, however, I have some thoughts I want to get out before bed.

I've noticed that my epiphanies these days seem to be poignantly marked with yoga sessions ... perhaps it's the deep hip openers, that last monkey pose is what seemed to open a flood of thoughts tonight ... and the time before that it was pigeon pose ... anyways ...

I am quite content with the life I have carved out for myself. I have felt this growing contentment form for a while now and sometime between my Maine vacation and the trip back here it has been affirmed somehow. This may sound silly, but I think it has something to do with rainbows.

When I first flew out to AZ for my interview, I noticed a rainbow as we started out final descent. I thought it was odd to see a rainbow in the desert - my understanding was the conditions out here weren't conducive - but I took is a a good sign - I don't know why, I don't really associate rainbows with anything other than Kermit and the Rainbow Connection, but I thought it was a good sign that perhaps this job interview would work out well for me.

And it did. Obviously. I'm here.

Ever since my move west, I think things have really fallen into place. I'm not saying it has been easy or that I haven't had some major challenges to get through (growing pains included), but everything feels quite right where it is now.

Now all this may just be a culmination of massive amounts of change in the past few months, coupled with some books that rattled me in a good way, on top of plenty of time to think in quiet spaces and process with loved ones, however, there was something about my travel from AZ to ME and back to AZ this time.

It all felt different.

I think what it comes down to is I truly feel like AZ is home too. This thought bubbled up in my mind as we were circling the airport in a thunderstorm before landing in Pheonix (apparently hip-openers and final descents really make me think). I am still very sad to leave Maine each time - I rarely make it through take-off with out a few tears - but I was and still am quite excited to return to life in AZ.

As we landed we did a 360-turn on our way to the gate we saw a dust storm coming in over Camelback Mountain, an epic sunset silhouetting the city, the palm trees, and the mountains, and two rainbows (one was a double). The rainbows were a gentle reminder of my first flight here and how I interpreted them as a good sign. I took them in the same way this time and felt that contentment really solidify.

I also really enjoyed that I traveled with the sun that day, watching it rise in Maine and set in Arizona. There was something super satisfying and wicked cool about being able to say that.

Well, it's late, I hope you were able to follow my disjointed yoga, rainbows, being content thought process. I am off to dig my bed out from under four loads of laundry ...

Thanks for reading!

- M

1 comment:

  1. How nice! Good to hear you're so happy there! It's home! :) What a way to welcome you, Phoenix! A thunderstorm, dust storm, and double rainbows! AZ was awaiting your return! And that must be so trippy and fun to travel with the sun!
