Sunday, June 30, 2013

In a nutshell ...

Hello Reader!

We have a lot of catching up to do - and it's late and I am exhausted, so I'm going to make this quick.

First and foremost ...


And thank goodness because it is hot out here.  Even the locals are complaining, which, I think, validates my complaints too. Check out the temps below from here to Winthrop ... 50 degree differences ... note the 93 degree image was taking at 6:21 a.m...I will be very crispy when I return to Maine ...

And in other news, I moved. This is the last major change I am aware of for now (*knock on wood*). The place is a work-in-progress and I will share a more detailed post when I have a little more free time.

Side note: I think it looks a little bit like Maine from my living room ... the 115 degree temperatures suggest otherwise, however, I enjoy the trees and birds hanging out over my balcony. 

 I also realized I haven't posted since I started the new job. This will be another future post when I have free time. It's a temporary office for now anyways, so maybe when I really settle in I'll update you about that too.

Anyways, right now my focus is on vacation in Maine and setting up the apartment as best as I can before I leave. I'll be bringing some southwest flavors back east with me. I can't wait!!

OH! And I need to add eat at Harvest Moon Deli and Seadog to my to do at home list. I don't know how I forgot those!

Thanks for reading!

- M

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

One month countdown to Vacationland!

I'm coming home in a month!!!! Let the count down begin!


I've started my to do in Maine list! It looks a lot like last years ... with a few adjustments ...

Vacationland To Do List (in no particular order)
Places to Visit, Things to do:
1. Tubby's Ice Cream (at least a few times, and I owe a fellow blogger an ice cream cone!)
2. Gifford's Ice Cream
3. The coast, probably Rockland 
4. Orono/Bangor area for shenanigans with my BFF
5. Ampersand for reals this time
6. Woodmans (I've got to try the giant flirtini)
7. Monmouth Theatre
8. Slates Bakery, and maybe the restaurant but definitely the bakery
9. Acadia National Park
10. Yoga class(es) in Bangor (and Portland too perhaps??)
11. UMaine campus, perhaps run in to some of my favorite Black Bears
12. See lots of friends

13. Celebrate my new job and acceptance into the MFA program with family and friends (or friends who are more like family)
14. Dance with friends!
15. Eat a lot (Including, but not all at once: lobster, blueberries (and blueberry coffee), whoppie pies, maple syrup (on waffles made by Mum), other comfort food made by Mum, and other things made with things from Maine ... OH, and at this food truck I've heard rumor of)
16. Actually write that children's book with Mum
17. Take LOTS of picture - I did it last year and I know I can and will do it again!

18. Photo shoot with this blogger!
19. Sit by the lake every single chance I get!
20. Relax (doubt this will happen, but I felt I needed a 20th item)

What do you think?? 20 items in 10 days, that's doable, right? Do you think I am missing anything??

Thanks for reading!

- M

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Summer To Do List

Hello Reader,

I don't really function without a to do list of some sort in my life at all times. Are you this way?

Well, I decided to make a massive summer to do list to fully embrace this summer before grad school kicks in on top of the job in August. I'm trying to seize the last few months of a semi-flexible schedule and the best way I know how is by listing it all out.

It's a lot of micro projects here and there, lots of writing, and organizing especially.  Nothing wildly exciting. Writing a to do list for my trip to Maine is a to do item on my summer to do list...which may be pushing the to do list thing to far to have a to do list within a to do list, but I don't care.

This reminds me of the days my BFF and I would make a master summer calendar and literally plan what we were going to do when for each summer vacation day. Sadly, those real vacation days are gone, but there's still plenty to do.

Thanks for reading!

- M