Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tempe 81, Winthrop 0

Hello Reader,

Tempe, AZ: 81 degrees. Winthrop, ME: 0 degrees.

Sorry Mainers! I'm sending warm thoughts your way, promise!

It has gone from unseasonably cold to unseasonably warm in a week...not that unseasonably cold out here could possibly compete with what is happening in Maine, that's a deep freeze unlike what AZ experienced last week (see: AZ "Deep Freeze"). Even Arizonians are feeling the sudden "heat wave" which makes me feel better. I think it proves how everything is relative. If we had eased into this 80 degree weather, it would just be an early spring, but the sudden jump in temperature is a bit much for people to handle.

I happened to have the day off on this record-breaking, warm, January day. I spent the afternoon sipping iced tea on the patio and reading. Notice that it looks the same outside no matter what the temperature is? The sun is shinning and a few clouds sprinkling the sky. Beautiful!

Thankfully, it will be back to normal out here this weekend (in the 60s) so I'll be able to wear sweaters for a few more days before putting them away for the regular warm months. The best part about this warm winter is there has been no need to turn on the heat which is doing wonders for the electric bill. 

Thanks for reading!

- M

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